1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the seattlematrix.org moderators.

  1. Do unto others as you think they would want done to them.
  2. Mark sensitive content with a Content Warning.
  3. Gratuitously obscene content serving no practical benefit to a discussion is not permitted.
  4. Illegal content such as child pornography, unsurprisingly, is not permitted.
  5. Spam is not permitted, this includes creating spam accounts that only serve to provide profile links or advertise products and services.
  6. Hate speech, abusive or threatening behavior is not permitted.
  7. Lack of a specific rule does not mean something is permitted.
  8. Violating one or more of these rules may result in an immediate, permanent ban without notice or warning.
  9. You may not impersonate a person or brand without a clear indication that the account is unofficial and/or parody.
  10. No attacks against (or from) the instance.
  11. Above borrowed with love from Infosec.Exchange